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She retired from the Federal government as a Senior Policy Writer and Researcher. She has undergraduate degrees in urban studies and African American Studies. Char holds professional certificates in genealogy, publishing, research investigation, author coaching, and paralegal. She has appeared in many television interviews and documentaries concerning her research.

Currently, she is working on her third book. An author of two books and a short story in an anthology. Her most recent book was published in 2019, Alexandria’s Freedmen’s Cemetery: A Legacy of Freedom. Her second book was published in 2013, African Americans of Alexandria, VA: Beacons of Light in the Twentieth Century. Her short story was published in 2006 in an anthology book, Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle: Living the Life You Were Born to Live, Angels In A Time of Need. She was a freelance writer on local history for her column, “The Other Alexandria,” in the Alexandria Times Newspaper and the Alexandria Gazette Newspaper. She was nominated in 2014 as Alexandria, VA Living Legend.