Leon Day--Three-Time Baseball Hall of Famer (Article)
Listed is a limited selection of my articles' topics from the Alexandria Gazette Packet Newspaper and from the Alexandria Times Newspaper:
Alexandria Gazette Packet Newspaper:
"Laura Missouri Dorsey - A Special Teacher" - January 2018
"Estelle Lane: Pioneer correspondent for Colored readers" - January 2018
"Ferdinand T. Day: A Champion of Champions" - February 2018
"Herbert P. Tancil - The Mayors' Colored Barber" - February 2018
"Alexandria African Americans' Emancipation Day" - April 2018
"Alexandria World War I African American Veterans" - April 2018
"Leon Day -- Three-Time Baseball Hall of Famer" - July 2018
"Richard W. Bentley - 19th and 20th century businessman" - September 2018
"Conny Gray - A Spanish-American War Veteran" - January 2019
"From Slavery to Principal" - February 2019
"Black Women's Suffrage Movement and Mary E. Dorsey" - February 2020
Selected Articles from the Alexandria Times Newspaper:
"From indenture to millionaire: Colonel John McKee" - July 2021
"Sarah A. Gray: Principal of Hallowell School" - September 2021
"Lauretta Dorsey Young sings for the world: Alexandria native made her mark as an African American opera Singer" - December 2021
"An early victim of multiple sclerosis: Corrine Idella Henry among first diagnosed in city" - May 2022
"Finding a new path: An accident that changed Charles Jerome Lyles' life" - August 2023
You can find these articles and more through a Google search.